Profile: Messi = brain type #9, the Mediator

Social Stability

In the context of football, “Social Stability” can refer to a player’s ability to maintain consistent and positive interactions with teammates, coaches, and others in the football community. It can also refer to a player’s ability to handle pressure, maintain discipline, and adapt to different social environments. Lionel Messi, the Argentine professional footballer widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, would likely score high on “Social Stability” for several reasons:

  1. Consistency: Messi has been remarkably consistent throughout his career, maintaining a high level of performance for over a decade. This consistency extends to his interactions with teammates and coaches, which are typically characterized by respect and professionalism.
  2. Teamwork: Messi is known for his exceptional ability to work with his teammates. He’s a phenomenal playmaker, often setting up goals for others as well as scoring them himself. His understanding and communication with his teammates contribute to his team’s stability and success.
  3. Handling Pressure: Messi has consistently performed at the highest levels of football under intense pressure. Whether in high-stakes Champions League matches or in World Cup tournaments, Messi’s ability to remain composed and focused is a testament to his emotional stability.
  4. Discipline: Messi is known for his discipline both on and off the pitch. He rarely gets involved in confrontations or receives disciplinary action, demonstrating respect for the rules of the game and for his opponents.
  5. Adaptability: Messi’s move from Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain in 2021, after spending his entire professional career at Barcelona, has shown his adaptability to new environments, teammates, and styles of play.
  6. Leadership: Messi has often worn the captain’s armband for both Barcelona and the Argentine national team. His leadership style is generally seen as leading by example, demonstrating calmness, resilience, and focus.

These factors all contribute to Messi’s high score on “Social Stability” in the context of football, demonstrating his consistency, teamwork, resilience, discipline, and adaptability.


In the context of football, “Agreeableness” can refer to a player’s tendency to be cooperative, respectful, and considerate in their interactions with teammates, coaches, and opponents. Lionel Messi, the Argentine professional footballer, is often seen as highly agreeable due to the following reasons:

  1. Teamwork: Messi is renowned for his ability to work effectively with his teammates. He often prioritizes the team’s success over personal glory, setting up goals for teammates and contributing to a cooperative team dynamic.
  2. Sportsmanship: Messi generally exhibits high levels of sportsmanship on the pitch. He’s respectful to his opponents and rarely gets involved in confrontations or unsportsmanlike behavior.
  3. Respect for Authority: Messi typically shows respect for coaches and referees, accepting decisions without excessive argument or dissent. This respect for authority contributes to his agreeableness.
  4. Humility: Despite being one of the greatest footballers of all time, Messi is known for his humility. He’s often quiet and reserved off the pitch, and he rarely seeks the spotlight unnecessarily. This humility contributes to his agreeableness, as it shows a lack of self-centeredness.
  5. Emotional Intelligence: Messi appears to have a high level of emotional intelligence. He understands and manages his emotions well, and he’s often seen comforting or supporting teammates and even opponents during difficult moments.
  6. Positive Influence: Messi’s positive influence extends beyond his own team. He’s widely respected by players, coaches, and fans around the world for his skill, sportsmanship, and demeanor, indicating a high level of agreeableness.

These attributes contribute to Messi’s high score on “Agreeableness” in the context of football, showing his cooperative, respectful, and considerate nature.


In the context of football, “Compassion” can refer to a player’s empathy, understanding, and supportive behavior towards teammates, opponents, and others in the football community. Lionel Messi, the Argentine professional footballer, might score high on “Compassion” due to the following reasons:

  1. Teammate Support: Messi is known for his supportive behavior towards his teammates. He often assists them in scoring opportunities and is seen comforting and encouraging them during difficult moments, which shows empathy and understanding.
  2. Sportsmanship: Messi exhibits high levels of sportsmanship on the pitch. He often helps opponents up after a foul and avoids unnecessary confrontations. This respect for his opponents reflects his compassionate nature.
  3. Off-field Actions: Messi’s actions off the pitch also demonstrate his compassion. He’s involved in various charitable activities, such as his own foundation, the Leo Messi Foundation, which supports access to education and health care for vulnerable children.
  4. Emotional Intelligence: Messi’s high emotional intelligence is evident in his ability to understand and manage his own emotions and those of others. This emotional intelligence is a key aspect of compassion.
  5. Empathy: Messi shows empathy towards others in the football community, including opponents. For example, he’s often seen offering words of consolation to opponents after a match, demonstrating his ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

These factors contribute to Messi’s high score on “Compassion” in the context of football, demonstrating his empathy, understanding, and supportive behavior.


In the context of football, “Politeness” can be understood as a player’s tendency to show respect, restraint, and courtesy towards others, including teammates, opponents, coaches, referees, and fans. Lionel Messi, the Argentine professional footballer, might score high on “Politeness” due to the following reasons:

  1. Respect for Opponents: Messi is known for his respectful conduct towards opponents. He avoids unnecessary confrontations, helps opponents up after a foul, and generally treats them with courtesy.
  2. Sportsmanship: Messi consistently displays good sportsmanship, accepting wins and losses graciously. His behavior during matches often reflects a high degree of respect for the game and its rules.
  3. Restraint: Despite being one of the most fouled players in the sport, Messi often shows remarkable restraint, rarely retaliating or reacting aggressively to fouls against him.
  4. Respect for Authority: Messi typically shows respect for referees and their decisions. He doesn’t excessively argue or show dissent, demonstrating politeness and respect for authority.
  5. Humility: Messi’s humility is often noted by fans and pundits alike. Despite his immense success, he remains modest and unassuming, treating others with respect and kindness.
  6. Off-field Behavior: Off the pitch, Messi is known for his polite and quiet demeanor. He’s generally reserved and courteous during interviews and public appearances.

These aspects contribute to Messi’s high score on “Politeness” in the context of football, demonstrating his respect, restraint, and courtesy in interactions with others.


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