A happy club is a winning club

The better a club is managed the better the results. And vice versa.

The scientific way towards a happy club

These are the six sciences that make for a happy club

The Viable System Model (VSM)

The VSM is the most scientific way to structure your club setting clear boundaries between the manager and the sporting director.

Cybernetic Big Five Theory (CB5T)

If personalities clash the club isn’t happy. Work with CB5T in order to keep the big egos in football in check.

Bayesian statistics

Get beyond mere descriptive statistics and move to statistics that forsee the future. How well will a new player do at the club? What is the best starting XI to have the biggest chance to win.

Measure your scouts

What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If you use a lot of football statistics, also start to measure your scouts to discover who the best predictors are.

Focus on live scouting

Video and data scouting is so much easier and cheaper than live scouting, but the model of the beautiful game inside the head of a good live scout hasn’t been surpassed yet.

Feed your live scouts data they can process

Live scouting is the most important way to determine which players to hire. Yet, live scouts make better decisions if they are fed on data. But only if that data is edible for them.

Our consultancy

The Viable System Model

  • Model the club
  • Restructure the club
  • Revitalize the club

Cybernetic Big Five Theory

  • Discover the personalities of the directors and optimize their group dynamics
  • Discover the personalities of the manager, his staff and the scouts
  • Discover the personalities of the players and optimize their group dynamics

Bayesian statistics

  • Foresee how well a player will do at the club
  • Foresee what the best starting XI is for the club
  • Foresee where the club will be in the table in three months

Mental coaching as brain training

  • Overcome mental issues without going to a psychologist
  • Use brain training that is similar to physical training
  • Back to performing well in no time